Welcome to the
Alessandro Bemporad
personal homepage.
I am a Researcher Astronomer at the INAF-Turin Astrophysical Observatory (Italy) where I work in the Solar Physics Group. My research interests are the EUV spectroscopy and EUV + visible light imaging of the solar corona (study of coronal streamers, coronal mass ejections, and solar wind), comparison between remote sensing and in situ data, and the UV spectroscopy of sungrazing comets. In my research activity I make use of data acquired from various spacecrafts (e.g. SOHO, TRACE, HINODE and STEREO) toghether with data acquired from various Earth observatories.
In this website you'll find any information you may want about my past and present activities, my curriculum vitae, publications, presentations, posters, interviews, toghether with a few pictures. Alternatively, you can also visit my INAF institutional homepage by clicking here, or visit my ORCID profile by clicking here. Contact details:Address: | INAF-Turin Astrophysical Observatory, via Osservatorio 20, 10025 Pino Torinese (TO), Italy |
Phone: | +39 011 8101 954 |
Fax: | +39 011 8101 930 |